Class BaseWSTest

    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseWSTest

        public BaseWSTest()
    • Method Detail

      • doDirectDeleteRequest

        protected void doDirectDeleteRequest​(String wsPart,
                                             int expectedResponse)
        Executes a DELETE HTTP request, the wsPart is appended to the getOpenbravoURL().
        wsPart - the actual webservice part of the url, is appended to the openbravo url ( getOpenbravoURL()), includes any query parameters
        expectedResponse - the expected HTTP response code
      • doContentRequest

        protected String doContentRequest​(String wsPart,
                                          String content,
                                          int expectedResponse,
                                          String expectedContent,
                                          String method)
        Execute a REST webservice HTTP request which posts/puts content and returns a XML result. The content is validated against the XML schema retrieved using the /ws/dal/schema webservice call.
        wsPart - the actual webservice part of the url, is appended to the openbravo url ( getOpenbravoURL()), includes any query parameters
        content - the content (XML) to post or put
        expectedResponse - the expected HTTP response code
        expectedContent - the system check that the returned content contains this expectedContent
        method - POST or PUT
        the result from the rest request (i.e. the content of the response), most of the time an xml string
      • doContentRequest

        protected String doContentRequest​(String wsPart,
                                          String content,
                                          int expectedResponse,
                                          String expectedContent,
                                          String method,
                                          boolean validateXML)
        Execute a REST webservice HTTP request which posts/puts content and returns a result. If validateXML parameter is true, the content is validated against the XML schema retrieved using the /ws/dal/schema webservice call.
        wsPart - the actual webservice part of the url, is appended to the openbravo url ( getOpenbravoURL()), includes any query parameters
        content - the content (XML) to post or put
        expectedResponse - the expected HTTP response code
        expectedContent - the system check that the returned content contains this expectedContent
        method - POST or PUT
        validateXML - should response be validated as XML
        the result from the rest request (i.e. the content of the response), most of the time an xml string
      • getTagValue

        protected String getTagValue​(String content,
                                     String tag)
        Convenience method to get a value of a specific XML element without parsing the whole xml
        content - the xml
        tag - the element name
        the value
      • doTestGetRequest

        protected String doTestGetRequest​(String wsPart,
                                          String testContent,
                                          int responseCode)
        Executes a GET request and validates the return against the schema. The content is validated against the XML schema retrieved using the /ws/dal/schema webservice call.
        wsPart - the actual webservice part of the url, is appended to the openbravo url ( getOpenbravoURL()), includes any query parameters
        testContent - the system check that the returned content contains this testContent. if null is passed for this parameter then this check is not done.
        responseCode - the expected HTTP response code
        the content returned from the GET request
      • doTestGetRequest

        protected String doTestGetRequest​(String wsPart,
                                          String testContent,
                                          int responseCode,
                                          boolean validate)
      • doTestGetRequest

        protected String doTestGetRequest​(String wsPart,
                                          String testContent,
                                          int responseCode,
                                          boolean validate,
                                          boolean logException)
        Executes a GET request. The content is validated against the XML schema retrieved using the /ws/dal/schema webservice call.
        wsPart - the actual webservice part of the url, is appended to the openbravo url ( getOpenbravoURL()), includes any query parameters
        testContent - the system check that the returned content contains this testContent. if null is passed for this parameter then this check is not done.
        responseCode - the expected HTTP response code
        validate - if true then the response content is validated against the Openbravo XML Schema
        logException - indicates whether in case of Exception it should be logged, this param should be false when Exception is expected in order not to pollute the log
        the content returned from the GET request
      • createConnection

        protected HttpURLConnection createConnection​(String wsPart,
                                                     String method)
                                              throws Exception
        Creates a HTTP connection.
        wsPart -
        method - POST, PUT, GET or DELETE
        the created connection
      • getOpenbravoURL

        protected String getOpenbravoURL()
        Returns the url of the Openbravo instance. The default value is: OB_URL
        the url of the Openbravo instance.
      • getLogin

        protected String getLogin()
        Returns the login used to login for the webservice. The default value is LOGIN.
        the login name used to login for the webservice
      • getPassword

        protected String getPassword()
        Returns the password used to login into the webservice server. The default value is PWD.
        the password used to login into the webservice, the default is PWD
      • validateXML

        protected void validateXML​(String xml)
        Validates the xml against the generated schema.
        xml - the xml to validate