Class NumberUIDefinition

    • Constructor Detail

      • NumberUIDefinition

        public NumberUIDefinition()
    • Method Detail

      • getFormEditorType

        public String getFormEditorType()
        getFormEditorType in class UIDefinition
        the form item type used for editing this reference in a form.
      • getFilterEditorProperties

        public String getFilterEditorProperties​(Field field)
        Description copied from class: UIDefinition
        Computes properties to initialize and set the field in a Smartclient grid filter. This can be the default value or the sets of values in the valuemap. Note: the result should be either empty, if not empty then it start with a comma and end without a comma, this to generate correct javascript.
        getFilterEditorProperties in class UIDefinition
        field - the field for which the information should be computed.
        a JSONObject string which is used to initialize the formitem.
      • getTypeProperties

        public String getTypeProperties()
        Description copied from class: UIDefinition
        Computes the properties used to define the type, this includes all the Smartclient SimpleType properties.
        getTypeProperties in class UIDefinition
        a javascript string which can be included in the javascript defining the SimpleType. The default implementation returns an empty string.
      • getFieldProperties

        public String getFieldProperties​(Field field)
        Description copied from class: UIDefinition
        Computes properties to initialize and set the field in a Smartclient form. This can be the default value or the sets of values in the valuemap. NOTE: the field parameter may be null, implementors of subclasses should take this into account.
        getFieldProperties in class UIDefinition
        field - the field for which the information should be computed. NOTE: the caller is allowed to pass null for cases where the field properties are needed for a FormItem which is not backed by an Openbravo field.
        a JSONObject string which is used to initialize the formitem.
      • getFieldProperties

        public String getFieldProperties​(Field field,
                                         boolean getValueFromSession)
        Description copied from class: UIDefinition
        Computes properties to initialize and set the field in a Smartclient form. This can be the default value or the sets of values in the valuemap.
        getFieldProperties in class UIDefinition
        field - the field for which the information should be computed.
        a JSONObject string which is used to initialize the formitem.
      • getFormat

        public String getFormat()
      • getDefaultValue

        public String getDefaultValue​(VariablesSecureApp vars,
                                      String columnName,
                                      String defaultValueExpression,
                                      String windowId)
        Description copied from class: UIDefinition
        Returns the value for a default value expression which represents a session value or a fixed value. This method is not used to calculate SQL based expressions (those that start with '@SQL=') and NOW expression ('@#Date@').
        getDefaultValue in class UIDefinition
        vars - Handler for the session info.
        columnName - String with the name of the column that has the default value.
        defaultValueExpression - String with the default value expression.
        windowId - String with the window id.
        String with the calculated default value.
      • getDefaultValueFromSQLExpression

        public String getDefaultValueFromSQLExpression​(VariablesSecureApp vars,
                                                       Field field,
                                                       String defaultValueExpression)
        Description copied from class: UIDefinition
        Returns the value for a default value expression based on a SQL expression. This kind of expressions start with '@SQL='.
        getDefaultValueFromSQLExpression in class UIDefinition
        vars - Handler for the session info.
        field - Field whose column has the default value.
        defaultValueExpression - String with the default value expression.
        String with the calculated default value.