Class FormInitializationComponent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FormInitializationComponent
    extends BaseActionHandler
    This class computes all the required information in Openbravo 3 forms. Basically, this can be summarized in the following actions: Computation of all required column information (including combo values) Computation of auxiliary input values Execution of callouts Insertion of all relevant data in the session Format: in the request and session the values are always formatted in classic mode. The ui definition computes jsonobjects which contain a value as well as a classicValue, the latter is placed in the request/session for subsequent callout computations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FormInitializationComponent

        public FormInitializationComponent()
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        protected org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject execute​(Map<String,​Object> parameters,
                                                                String content)
        Description copied from class: BaseActionHandler
        Needs to be implemented by a subclass.
        Specified by:
        execute in class BaseActionHandler
        parameters - the parameters obtained from the request. Note that the request object and the session object are also present in this map, resp. as the constants KernelConstants.HTTP_REQUEST and KernelConstants.HTTP_SESSION.
        content - the request content (if any)
        the return should be a JSONObject, this is passed back to the caller on the client.