Class ObserverBaseTest

    • Constructor Detail

      • ObserverBaseTest

        public ObserverBaseTest()
    • Method Detail

      • reset

        public static void reset()
      • setUp

        public void setUp()
                   throws Exception
        Description copied from class: WeldBaseTest
        Sets static instance bean manager in WeldUtils so it is globally accessible and initializes kernel. Arquillian creates a new cdi container for each test class but keeps existent one for all tests within same class, let's initialize it once per class but we cannot use @BeforeClass at this point because we require of beanManager to be injected.
        setUp in class WeldBaseTest
      • pickARandomOrderLine

        protected OrderLine pickARandomOrderLine()
      • pickARandomOrder

        protected Order pickARandomOrder()
      • countNotes

        protected int countNotes​(BaseOBObject obj)