Class CheckTreeOperationManager

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    AssetsTreeOperationManager, MenuTreeOperationManager, OrganizationTreeOperationManager

    public abstract class CheckTreeOperationManager
    extends Object
    Abstract class used to restrict the movements of nodes for a particular tree To check if a node movement is valid for a particular tree, this class has to be subclassed and the checkNodeMovement method must be implemented to determine whether a node movement is valid. Also this annotations must be added for the class to be used using dependency injection: @ApplicationScoped

    @Qualifier("entityName"), entityName being the name of the DAL entity associated with the tree

    • Constructor Detail

      • CheckTreeOperationManager

        public CheckTreeOperationManager()
    • Method Detail

      • checkNodeMovement

        public abstract CheckTreeOperationManager.ActionResponse checkNodeMovement​(Map<String,​String> parameters,
                                                                                   String nodeId,
                                                                                   String newParentId,
                                                                                   String prevNodeId,
                                                                                   String nextNodeId)
        Checks if a node movement is valid
        parameters - Map of the parameters sent to the client to the datasource
        nodeId - id of the node being moved
        newParentId - id of the new parent of the node (ROOT_NODE_CLIENT if the node is being moved to the root)
        prevNodeId - id of the sibling node that would be placed just before the node being moved. Can be null if the node is being placed in the first position of its siblings. Irrelevant if the tree is not ordered
        nextNodeId - id of the sibling node that would be placed just after the node being moved. Can be null if the node is being placed in the last position of its siblings. Irrelevant if the tree is not ordered
        an ActionResponse object. If the movement is valid, the success attribute must be true, false otherwise. The message and messageType attributes can be used to show a message in the client message bar