Class PriceDifferenceProcess

  • public class PriceDifferenceProcess
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • PriceDifferenceProcess

        public PriceDifferenceProcess()
    • Method Detail

      • processPriceDifferenceTransaction

        public static org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject processPriceDifferenceTransaction​(MaterialTransaction materialTransaction)
                                                                                       throws OBException
      • processPriceDifference

        public static org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject processPriceDifference​(Organization legalOrganization)
        This process is going to calculate the differences in prices between the Orders and the related Invoices. If there are any differences a Cost Adjustment Document will be created to adjust the related Transactions
        legalOrganization - [Mandatory] Legal Organization for which the Price Difference Process is going to be executed
        the message to be shown to the user properly formatted and translated to the user language.
      • processPriceDifference

        public static org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject processPriceDifference​(Date date,
                                                                                   Product product,
                                                                                   Organization legalOrganization)
                                                                            throws OBException
        This process is going to calculate the differences in prices between the Orders and the related Invoices. If there are any differences a Cost Adjustment Document will be created to adjust the related Transactions
        date - [Optional] Date from which the Price Differences Process is going to executed
        product - [Optional] Product for which the Price Difference Process is going to be executed
        legalOrganization - [Mandatory] Legal Organization for which the Price Difference Process is going to be executed
        the message to be shown to the user properly formatted and translated to the user language.
        OBException - when there is an error that prevents the cost adjustment to be processed.