Class VariablesSecureApp

    • Constructor Detail

      • VariablesSecureApp

        public VariablesSecureApp​(String strUser,
                                  String strClient,
                                  String strOrganization)
        Constructor used to make an empty/manual instance of this class.
        strUser - ID of the user as specified by the AD_USER_ID column within the AD_USER database table.
        strClient - ID of the client as specified by the AD_CLIENT_ID column within the AD_CLIENT database table.
        strOrganization - ID of the organization as specified by the AD_ORG_ID column within the AD_ORG database table.
      • VariablesSecureApp

        public VariablesSecureApp​(String strUser,
                                  String strClient,
                                  String strOrganization,
                                  String strRole)
        Constructor used to make an empty/manual instance of this class.
        strUser - ID of the user as specified by the AD_USER_ID column within the AD_USER database table.
        strClient - ID of the client as specified by the AD_CLIENT_ID column within the AD_CLIENT database table.
        strOrganization - ID of the organization as specified by the AD_ORG_ID column within the AD_ORG database table.
        strRole - ID of the role as specified by the AD_ROLE_ID column within the AD_ROLE database table.
      • VariablesSecureApp

        public VariablesSecureApp​(String strUser,
                                  String strClient,
                                  String strOrganization,
                                  String strRole,
                                  String strLanguage)
        Constructor used to make an empty/manual instance of this class.
        strUser - ID of the user as specified by the AD_USER_ID column within the AD_USER database table.
        strClient - ID of the client as specified by the AD_CLIENT_ID column within the AD_CLIENT database table.
        strOrganization - ID of the organization as specified by the AD_ORG_ID column within the AD_ORG database table.
        strLanguage - Language
      • VariablesSecureApp

        public VariablesSecureApp​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
        Constructor that parses the session variables to initialize the class' internal variables.
        request - HttpServletRequest object originating from the user request.
      • VariablesSecureApp

        public VariablesSecureApp​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                  boolean f)
        Constructor that parses the session variables to initialize the class' internal variables for multipart requests.
        request - HttpServletRequest object originating from the user request.
    • Method Detail

      • getUser

        public String getUser()
        Returns the primary key (AD_USER_ID) of the authenticated user deriving from the AD_USER table.
        AD_USER_ID primary key number formatted as string
      • getRole

        public String getRole()
        Returns the primary key (AD_ROLE_ID) of the role of the authenticated user deriving as entered in the AD_ROLE table.
        AD_ROLE_ID primary key number formatted as string
      • getLanguage

        public String getLanguage()
        Returns the code of the language currently selected by the authenticated user according to the RFC 4646 format LANG_REGION, e.g. es_ES for Spanish language from Spain or en_GB for English language from Great Britain.
        The language code formatted as a string according to RFC 4646.
      • getTheme

        public String getTheme()
        Returns the unique name of the theme currently selected for the session. This usually corresponds to the theme's folder name in the web/skins. Default theme's value is 'Default'.
        String with the unique name of the theme.
      • getClient

        public String getClient()
        Returns the ID of the client (AD_CLIENT_ID) as defined by the role of the user's current session.
        String with the AD_CLIENT_ID primary key value.
      • getOrg

        public String getOrg()
        Returns the ID of the organization (AD_ORG_ID) selected by the user among the ones available within the role of the current session.
        String with the AD_ORG_ID primary key value.
      • getUserClient

        public String getUserClient()
      • getUserOrg

        public String getUserOrg()
      • getWarehouse

        public String getWarehouse()
        Returns the ID of the current default warehouse that will be used with transactions that require a warehouse selected. This is selected using the Role change window and the user can only select warehouses he or she has access to.
        String with the M_WAREHOUSE primary key value.
      • getDBSession

        public String getDBSession()
        Returns the ID of the session stored within the AD_SESSION database table.
        String with the AD_SESSION primary key value.
      • getCommand

        public String getCommand()
        Returns the command that was passed to the servlet through the Command parameter of the HTTP POST/GET. Normally used by the java controllers so that one controller can support various actions/functions.
        String containing the value of the Command parameter.
      • getAccessLevel

        public String getAccessLevel()
      • commandIn

        public boolean commandIn​(String... commands)
        Returns true if the Command parameter of the HTTP POST/GET request to the servlet is one of the specified values, false if not.
        commands - The list of strings to compare Command parameter to.
        true in case current command is any of the ones passed as parameter
        See Also:
      • getJavaDateFormat

        public String getJavaDateFormat()
        Returns the date format used in Java formatting as defined by the variable within the config/ configuration file.
        Formatting string, for example 'dd-MM-yyyy'.
      • getJavaDataTimeFormat

        public String getJavaDataTimeFormat()
        the javaDataTimeFormat
      • getJsDateFormat

        public String getJsDateFormat()
        Returns the date format used in Javascript formatting as defined by the variable within the config/ configuration file.
        Formatting string, for example '%d-%m-%Y'.
      • getSqlDateFormat

        public String getSqlDateFormat()
        Returns the date format used in SQL formatting as defined by the dateFormat.sql variable within the config/ configuration file.
        Formatting string, for example 'DD-MM-YYYY'.
      • getMessage

        public OBError getMessage​(String AD_Tab_ID)
        Returns a deserialized OBError object retrieved from the session data that might contain the error information for the specified tab. This error would normally be generated by the controller servlet of that tab.
        AD_Tab_ID - String with the primary key (ID) of the tab as entered within the AD_TAB database table.
        Deserialized OBError object retrieved from the session. Null if no error message exists for this tab.
        See Also:
        setMessage(String, OBError), removeMessage(String)
      • setMessage

        public void setMessage​(String AD_Tab_ID,
                               OBError error)
        Serializes and saves the error object to a session variable, specific to the tab which ID is being passed.
        AD_Tab_ID - String with the primary key (ID) of the tab as entered within the AD_TAB database table.
        error - The OBError object that needs to be set.
        See Also:
        setMessage(String, OBError), removeMessage(String)
      • removeMessage

        public void removeMessage​(String AD_Tab_ID)
        Removes the error object for the specified tab from the session data. This needs to be done in order for the message not to appear every time the tab is reloaded.
        AD_Tab_ID - String with the primary key (ID) of the tab as entered within the AD_TAB database table.
        See Also:
        setMessage(String, OBError), getMessage(String)
      • removeEditionData

        public void removeEditionData​(String AD_Tab_ID)