Class FIN_PaymentProcess

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FIN_PaymentProcess
    extends Object
    implements Process
    • Constructor Detail

      • FIN_PaymentProcess

        public FIN_PaymentProcess()
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public void execute​(ProcessBundle bundle)
                     throws Exception
        Specified by:
        execute in interface Process
        bundle - the process' parameters, security and contextual information
        Exception - if an error occurs executing the process
      • removePaymentProposalLines

        public static int removePaymentProposalLines​(FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail psd)
        Removes the Payment Proposal Lines linked to the Payment Schedule Detail. If the payment proposal is already processed, the record is unprocessed first, then affected lines are deleted, and finally it gets back to processed status. This is done to avoid trigger validation errors. A common scenario where you want to delete a payment proposal line is when the payment schedule detail has been deleted
        psd - Payment Schedule Detail
        number of Payment Proposal Lines removed