Package org.openbravo.event
Class Summary Class Description CharacteristicEventHandlerTest Tests theCharacteristicEventHandler
classColorEventHandler ExternalBusinessPartnerAddressMappingEventHandler Ensures the following rules: When using Customer and Address Endpoint Configuration, only one Address Mapping is allowed When Creating an Address Mapping, Country property should always be filled When Using Customer and Address Endpoint Configuration, if an Address Mapping property is assigned it should always be marked as mandatoryExternalBusinessPartnerConfigColspan ExternalBusinessPartnerConfigFilterEventHandler ExternalBusinessPartnerConfigPropertyEventHandler Checks the validity of the saved/updated external business partner configuration propertyExternalBusinessPartnerConfigurationEventHandler Removes the associated value when the correspondent Y/N field is not checkedPriceAdjustmentHandler Validates mandatory to choose Priority Rule if there is max quantityPriceAdjustmentProductEventHandler Validates the Price Adjustment Products on eventsProductEventHandlerTest ProductPriceRuleVersionEventHandler