Class InitialOrgSetup

  • public class InitialOrgSetup
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • InitialOrgSetup

        public InitialOrgSetup​(Client clientProvided)
        clientProvided - the new organization will belong to the provided client
    • Method Detail

      • createOrganization

        public OBError createOrganization​(String strOrgName,
                                          String strOrgUser,
                                          String strOrgType,
                                          String strParentOrg,
                                          String strcLocationId,
                                          String strPassword,
                                          String strModules,
                                          boolean boCreateAccounting,
                                          org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem fileCoAFilePath,
                                          String strCurrency,
                                          boolean bBPartner,
                                          boolean bProduct,
                                          boolean bProject,
                                          boolean bCampaign,
                                          boolean bSalesRegion)
        strOrgName - Name of the new organization
        strOrgUser - Name of the user that will be created for the organization
        strOrgType - Organization Type code, according to: 0-Organization, 1-Legal with accounting, 2-Generic, 3-Legal without accounting.
        strParentOrg - New organization will belong to the provided one, in the organization tree
        strcLocationId - Location (if any)
        strPassword - Password for the user to be created
        strModules - Reference data (datasets) to be applied to the new organization
        boCreateAccounting - If true, a new accounting schema will be created (but not the fiscal calendar and year)
        fileCoAFilePath - Path to the csv file with the chart of accounts to be used to create the accounting schema (it can also be provided through an accounting type module)
        strCurrency - Currency for the new accounting schema
        bBPartner - If true, the Business Partner accounting dimension will be added to the new accounting schema
        bProduct - If true, the Product accounting dimension will be added to the new accounting schema
        bProject - If true, the Project accounting dimension will be added to the new accounting schema
        bCampaign - If true, the Campaign accounting dimension will be added to the new accounting schema
        bSalesRegion - If true, the Sales Region accounting dimension will be added to the new accounting schema
      • getLog

        public String getLog()
      • getOrgId

        public String getOrgId()